Sunday 20 March 2016

Osaka, Kyoto & Nara

I love Japan! I can't say enough about Japan. I love the food! I love certain aspects of its culture. I love the tidiness! I even love the trees! Why do the trees look so romantically poetic?!

I have been to Kyoto before but that was with a tour group when I was still a kid and over the years I have realised that you never really get to feel the real vibe of a place with a tour group. Everything is just rush rush rush. The heart needs to slow down, sync with the tempo of the space around and engage your five senses. Then the experience becomes integrated with your being and memory.

Mum's getting old and having difficulty in her joints. It will be good to get her out and about before mobility becomes an issue.

Warm boots - checked!
Afternoon flight, landing in Osaka around 9pm.
Baked salmon with potatoes and vegetables

We will be heading to Osaka first before taking the train to Kyoto and Nara. Planning the train routes and timing gave me such a headache. We will have to rush a little bit when we arrive at Osaka's airport, just in case we aren't able to catch the train. I like my buffers. Definitely do not want to be forced to take their taxis. The fares can be quite crazy!

I also had to consider that Mum doesn't have the strength and stamina she used to so I booked the hotel just next to the train station for convenience sake. It's a bit more expensive but I think it's well worth the reduced hassle.

The room is pretty small as usual but i'm with my mum so it's ok. Bed's is a bit squeaky at night and I dunno why but most of Japan's room as SOOOooooooo quiet that each squeak get's amplified. Service at the hotel is attentive and polite. There's are lots of shops in basement floors so you don't have to worry about food and other necessities. If on a budget, the supermarket nearby does 20-50% discounts on the bentos and takeaways come 8pm. Mum was so happy and wanted to buy almost everything in sight. All her life she has been thrifty so it feels like paradise to her when she sees all the discount signs!

First day full day in Osaka! Damn... I do not like the weather. It's going to make my pictures come out all dull and dreary.

If you are in Osaka for more than a day I suggest getting the Osaka Amazing Pass. With it you can go to lots of attractions for free and also unlimited train rides. Check it out here:

Going to Osaka Castle... One of the facilities free with Osaka Amazing Pass.

Massive size sushi roll we bought at the supermarket for brunch. 

Look at all the fillings!

Food stalls just outside of the castle walls

View from the top of the castle

Lots of information about the era when the castle was built

Sushi keychains anyone?
Still updating my post....