Sunday 31 December 2017

Maeklong Railway Market

There has been alot of covereage on Maeklong Railway Market. From being just a town's people daily market site, the place is now thronging with tourists from all over the world. Honestly, if I am a townsman, I would be so irritated with all the tourist clogging up the tracks, taking pictures but almost never buying anything.

But as always, the Thais are ever so tolerant with outsiders, non-chalantly fanning themselves in the heat, trying to keep the flies away from their produce.

If you do want to capture the train chugging into the last station at Maeklong, be there early to get a good spot. Timing is roughly as follows, but don't blame me if you missed the train!

8.30am to 9am
11am to 11.30am
2.30pm to 3pm
5pm to 5.30pm

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